Lauren Makenzie @ Writing for His Glory
Podcasts are a great way to have devotionals throughout the week while I'm busy doing things. They can be fun to listen to while cooking, driving, sitting outside, and during many other times during the week.
I'm usually pretty picky when it comes to podcasts, but here are some that I've consistently loved over the years! I'll link their channels on the description.

Madi Prewett is the host of this podcast where she talks about multiple topics for Christian girls to have advice on life. She covers emotional topics that can be so helpful.
I've enjoyed everything that Madi says on her platforms, and I think that her podcasts deserve a spot on the list of one of my favorites.
You can find her channel here!
4. WHOA That's Good
If you're a fan of Sadie Robertson Huff, this podcast is so fun to listen to as Sadie talks with multiple celebrities, artists, pastors, and more about their testimonies.
The main thing about this podcast that I love is that she asks everyone what their greatest piece of advice is. They usually carry on the topic of the podcast from there, so she covers a wide range of topics about the bible and the world in her episodes.
This one is most likely the most known out of all of the podcasts I listed, and this podcast opened the door for my love for podcasts in general.
I would definitely recommend, especially if you would like to hear the stories of many great christian artists, pastors, and influencers!
You can find her channel here!
3. Girls Gone Bible
Girls gone Bible reached me on Instagram one day when I saw two friends speaking about a Christian's relationship with the Lord and how important Jesus needs to be in our lives. This podcast is a longer podcast, but I love the topics.
This podcast is great for answering life questions with biblical advice and life experiences from two women of God. They cover a wide range of relationship topics, as they share their experiences with guys, friends, and family.
Their youtube channel can be found here!
2. Christ with Coffee on Ice
Recently this one has almost become my favorite podcast channel of all! Ally Yost is like an older sister giving biblically accurate life advice to her audience, and I love the topics she chooses to speak about. Her podcasts are generally longer, ranging from thirty minutes to an hour.
If you want to hear biblically accurate advice on many interesting topics about Christianity in the world, testimonies, relationships, and growth in Christ I definitely recommend this one!
Her youtube channel can be found here!
1. Mornings with the Masters
By far my favorite podcast! This is the podcast that I'm most consistent with, as each podcast is only ten minutes long. Tori and Chad Masters come out with a podcast every single day of the week and cover a devotional every day.
I sometimes use this as my quiet time on busy days or days when I want to mix up spending time with the Lord, because they share devotionals with you, talk about the Bible and what they learned, and pray over you at the end of the podcast.
Definitely a must listen! I recommend this one first to people especially if they are new to podcasts and don't know where to start with Christian podcasts. And of course, their biblical accuracy has helped me grow in the Bible in truth and has never swayed me away from the Bible.
Their youtube channel can be found here!
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Thank you Lauren! I cant wait to start listening!!! 💕