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Fun ways to study the Bible this fall

If you're looking for fun and effective ways to study your bible this fall, then this post is for you!

Around this time of the year, nobody wants to hear the word studying. By the time midterms have arrived and our planners are full, we all just want to unwind and rest the moment we come home. A lot of us either have a stack of books to read or a stack of responsibilities on our plate, so adding something else on seems impossible.

God says that you're blessed when you delight yourself in God's law and meditate on it day and night. I love this because it doesn't imply that we learn everything at once, but we come to God all throughout the day to meditate on his word. If that's one verse a day, then that's ok.

If you know you want to learn more about God, know that there are more ways than one! Below I've listed some examples on how I've studied God's word lately.

Dedicate each month to memorizing one passage

It doesn't have to be twenty verses! It can be three verses, five verses, or however long you want! I like the idea of putting a specific passage by each month and organizing it that way.

Whenever I would try to memorize a passage every week, I realized that I was trying to move too quickly with it.

If there's a passage you've been wanting to learn, do a monthly challenge to keep yourself in the word, plus you already have a schedule every day! You can place it on your wallpaper, write the reference on your calendar, and/or put it in your notebook or journal.

Make Bible Trivia!

Bible quizzes can be fun and effective! Using the Quizlet app or flash cards have been my favorite ways to do this.

Some things you can do for a bible trivia are:

  • Verse-to-reference

  • Story trivia

  • Word filling

  • Term-to-definition

  • Books of the Bible

These are some different ways for you to study the Bible if reading over and over is something that's not helped you memorize scripture. For me, learning the reference has always been harder than learning the verse or passage, so doing trivia on verses to references has been a lot of fun for me.

You can apply pictures along with this so that it mixes up the way that you learn!

Start a devotional with family or friends

Depending on your household, starting a family devotional can be a great way to study the Bible and learn good things.

When doing a devotional with others, wisdom and encouragement can be bounced across the room. It's also one of the best options to studying the Bible if you're extroverted and learn the most effectively in groups!

Place bible verses in your field of vision

Putting the Bible on your bedroom walls, shirts, notebooks, and even bookmarks can be a great way to study the Bible and/or memorize it.

This doesn't put a heavy pressure on you to do a specific thing, and it has made me memorize verses over the years by them being around me every day.

Christian music can be helpful, too!

A lot of Christian songs out there use bible verses in their lines, and lately, Christian artists have written their songs entirely based off of chapters in the Bible.

I recommend this because once I started listening to these, I noticed that it helped me remember the verses in accordance with the reference in the Bible. It's like worship and learning at the same time!

Jesus wants you to come to him personally, not just through obligation of a Christian standard

When Jesus looked at people, he never judged them in the same ways that the Pharisees did, but for what their heart's intention we're and how their faith was.

He doesn't expect us to perform perfect to-do list tasks in the same way every single day- so if you're sincerely looking to please God and learn about him, you're not wrong for creating another way of studying the Bible!

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

‭‭- Psalm‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Thank you for reading! Remember that Jesus loves you <3

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